(3002) Un lento addio

mau    24 July, 2023
(3002) Un lento addio

Sage: Musk changed Twitter logo, now it's a X // Tom: so to remind us that he is erasing everything

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24/09/2023 Edited   NeoChomik NeoChomik
Cross him out

27/07/2023 Edited   mau mau
X is also the signature for people who did not learn to write :-)

24/07/2023 Edited   MadameCercle MadameCercle
(en français : " ... sous X" => confidentiel, anonyme, fait anonymement, l’identité de la personne étant cachée (Wiki))

24/07/2023 Edited   MadameCercle MadameCercle
Ce Musk est un type qui doit préférer rester incognito.

24/07/2023 Edited   mau mau
maybe a cross would have been better, but people who are not Christians would not have appreciated it.

24/07/2023 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
Makes sense.