How I Nearly Died This Summer (Part One)

Ahh, my favorite event of the summer. So, remember that death disease comic I made? Yeah, it was mono. Well, I had mono for about a month, and it made me feel like I was constantly dying, but I still had a life to go through. Which included a blood work appointment. Lemme set the scene: It was very hot, I woke up late and got ready fast to go to my appointment. I left my dog outside to go to the appointment in the hopes my little brother would wake up within the next five minutes while I was out. This blood work appointment was checking me for any and all nervous system issues, meaning they had to drain me a lot. Unfortunately, because of the mono I hadn't eaten ANY solid food. So... I eventually made it home safe despite swerving and nearly missing traffic lights. I park in my backyard because our garage and driveway isn't big enough to hold my parents cars AND mine. My backyard is BIG...and I was halfway through...BAM! Fell. Who would come to my aid?! To be continued...