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Vous devez installer votre renne au nez rouge à l'arrière de votre véhicule, celui au nez blanc pourra s'activer à l'avant.
it's rudolf 2.0
The Journal of H. E. Penny:
Upon finding the missing reindeer it was discovered that he had not only survived his altercation with the killdeers but had undergone an inexplicable transfiguration, changing his nose from red to white.
The caribou was only too eager to explain how this had all come to pass through a long, detailed narrative, after which telling the situation made even less sense than it did before the attempted demystification.
However, the loss of time is not without compensation, as we all know that a white light is a far superior source of illumination to a red one.
Honestly, whose bright and shiny idea was it to use a red-nosed reindeer to light a sleigh? They’d never heard of headlights at the North Pole?